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BE/WK/06/09/2021 - Qualification Panel for Supply Installation and Commissioning ....
Buyer : Bus Eireann/Irish Bus
The Contracting Authority proposes creation of a qualification panel for the Supply, Installation and Annual Maintenance of EV Chargers for Buses.During the Term, when a requirement arises under this procurement process, suppliers on the Qualificatio ....
Wrexham Town Centre Conservation Area - Townscape Heritage Scheme for works, ser ....
Buyer : Wrexham County Borough Council
Wrexham Townscape Heritage Scheme is a five year programme looking to restore and conserve many of Wrexham’s historically important buildings within Wrexham Town Centre Conservation Area, making them attractive for local businesses and individuals. ....
Market Arcade Townscape Heritage Scheme - Conservation Works
Buyer : Newport City Council
Newport City Council are issuing notice of intent to commence procurement of suitably qualified and experienced Conservation contractors to deliver the repair and restoration of the Market Arcade in Newport – the city’s oldest surviving arcade.Th ....
Provision of footfall counters to the 5 towns within Blaenau Gwent
Buyer : Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council
Blaenau Gwent CBC are testing the market in relation to seeking companies to express an interest in implementing a pedestrian footfall counting solution across the Borough of Blaenau Gwent. This solution will provide information regarding the health ....
Buyer : comisiynydd y gymraeg
Awarded to Wicksteed Leisure Ltd.
Buyer : Dounreay
A competitive Contract has been awarded by NRS Dounreay for the supply of a Nissan Townstar.
West Bromwich Towns Fund - West Bromwich Market
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Refurbishment of West Bromwich Markets
West Bromwich Towns Fund - Town Hall Quarter Project
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Refurbishment of West Bromwich Town Hall
Spec 1 - 1 x L2 Nissan Townstar Van
Buyer : Durham County Council
TPPL Durham County Council HCC Lot 2 - 1 x L2 Nissan Townstar Van (23697)
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