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DSIT 010 - HSE RFQ - Emerson Micro Motion ELITE Coriolis Meter CMF200M and 5700 ....
Buyer : health & safety executive
The Science Division (SD) of the Health and Safety Executive invites competitive quotations for the Supply of the following to their Laboratory located at Harpur Hill, Buxton SK17 9JN Emerson Micro Motion ELITE Coriolis Meter CMF200M and 5700 Transmi ....
Buyer : northern lighthouse board
MIN904 Voltage Transmitter. Input: 0 to 75mV DC, MIN908 Voltage Transmitter. Input: 0 to 40V DC, MIN905 Low Power Timer 'A' with Panasonic Relay included
Pathology provision to support an online sexually transmitted infections testing ....
Buyer : Solent NHS Trust
The STI pathology provision is part of the Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton Level 3 Integrated Sexual Health service specification commissioned by the respective Local Authorities (Head commissioners).The service provides the proc ....
H3AT Absolute Control Pressure Transmitter
Buyer : united kingdom atomic energy authority
UKAEA wishes to tender for multiple Tritium compatible absolute pressure transmitters of var-ious ranges (see datasheet [1, 2, 3]) for use within the new H3AT Facility currently in construc-tion on the UKAEA Culham site. These units will be for used ....
UKRI- GSS23214 - Panel transmitter Competitive quotation
Buyer : uk shared business services limited
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a competitive quote exercise. Award notice for the supply of Panel transmitter for UKRI-STFC
Optical Microscope with Transmitted Light & Hot Stage - AWARD
Buyer : the university of warwick
The National Polymer Processing Centre at WMG (WMG, NPPC), University of Warwick has a requirement to purchase an optical microscope with transmitted light & hot stage for analytical research onto thermoplastic composites. In order to express interes ....
***This is not a call for competition*** UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) - Science and Technology Facilities (STFC) have awarded a contract for the repair and maintenance services, following a competitive quotation exercise.
VHF Frequency Modulated (FM)" Broadcast Transmitters
Buyer : the british broadcasting corporation (bbc)
The World Service broadcasts through different platforms including local FM transmitter relays globally in both capitals and other cities. Following an expansion of FM relays at the beginning of the last decade and the key strategic objectives which ....
The BBC World Service were looking for 1-2 suppliers to replace up to 100 FM transmitters of various power levels with drives/amplifier systems, over the next 4 years.
UKRI RE22111 Repair of Mira Transmitter- Competitive Quotation
Buyer : uk shared business services limited
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a Competitive quotation. Award notice for Repair of Mira Transmitter UKRI, STFC.
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