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Contract for the treatment of source segregated food waste collected by Ceredigi ....
Buyer : Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council
This contract notice advertises a waste treatment contract proposed to be let by Ceredigion County Council. It is envisaged that this will be a short-term contract for the treatment of food waste by anaerobic digestion or other biological treatment p ....
TD-21-0767 - Provision of Removal, Transportation and Disposal of Waste collecte ....
Buyer : Carlow County Council
Removal, Transportation, Recovery and /or Disposal of Mixed Municipal Waste, Bulky Waste, Biodegradable Waste(Garden Waste), Wood, Rubble, Mattresses, Gypsum, and Food Waste collected at Powerstown, Civic Amenity Site, Carlow. R93RF22.
Provision of Services relating to Recyclable Waste Collected on Household Waste ....
The Company requires a number of services for a variety of waste streams that are deposited at 22 Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) that are located across York and North Yorkshire. The Company have therefore decided to split the contract int ....
Provision of Services relating to Recyclable Waste Collected on Household Waste ....
Buyer : Yorwaste Ltd
The Company required a number of Services for a variety of waste streams that are deposited at 22 Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) that re located across York and North Yorkshire.
Provision of Services relating to Recyclable Waste Collected on Household Waste ....
Buyer : Yorwaste Ltd
The Company requires a number of services for a variety of waste streams that are deposited at 22 Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) that are located across York and North Yorkshire. The Company have therefore decided to split the contract int ....
Provision of Services relating to Recyclable Waste Collected on Household Waste ....
Buyer : Yorwaste Ltd
The Company requires a number of services for a variety of waste streams that are deposited at 22 Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) that are located across York and North Yorkshire. The Company have decided to split the contract into lots.
Provision of services for the treatment of Biowaste collected at the kerbside fr ....
Buyer : means one of or all of the following Councils; Ballymoney Borough Council; Coleraine Borough Council
Provision of services for the treatment of Biowaste collected at the kerbside from household and commercial properties by Councils in the North West Region Waste Management Group.
Contract for the treatment of source segregated food waste collected by Ceredigi ....
Buyer : Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council
This contract notice advertises a waste treatment contract proposed to be let by Ceredigion County Council. It is envisaged that this will be a short-term contract for the treatment of food waste by anaerobic digestion or other biological treatment p ....
WP3786 - The Disposal of Asbestos Waste Collected via Walsall Council's HWRC's
Buyer : walsall council e-tendering
**Important Notice:** Please be advised that this project has been cancelled as of 25 February 2022. We apologise for any confusion or inconvenience caused.
Disposal of Waste Collected from the Public Realm
Buyer : thurrock council
Thurrock Council's requirement under this contract is for a Contractor to provide a delivery point for Contract Waste that has derived from: a) Street cleansing b) Clearance of Flytipping c) Highways Clearance d) Grounds Maintenance Activities e) Car ....
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