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Buyer : united kingdom atomic energy authority
Consultant shall provide services against agreed lots of work to the Client herein in known as UKAEA and its collaborative partner EUROFusion on the development of Water Chemistry
State of Knowledge review of Groundwater Flow and Groundwater Chemistry
State of Knowledge Review of Groundwater Flow and Groundwater Chemistry
Buyer : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Consultant shall provide services against agreed lots of work to the Client herein in known as UKAEA and its collaborative partner EUROFusion on the development of Water Chemistry
Buyer : united kingdom atomic energy authority
Consultant shall provide services against agreed lots of work to the Client herein in known as UKAEA and its collaborative partner EUROFusion on the development of Water Chemistry
Hydrology/Water Monitoring - Hydrological and water chemistry monitoring for LIF ....
Buyer : Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
The successful contractor will oversee the preparation of the hydrological and water-chemistry monitoring programme. The successful contractor shall provide a full technical and administrative function, which will include the provision of specialist ....
Buyer : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Requirement for Water Chemistry: experimentation, database development, modelling and associated research on fusion grade materials.
Buyer : united kingdom atomic energy authority
Requirement for Water Chemistry: experimentation, database development, modelling and associated research on fusion grade materials.
Buyer : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) is a non-departmental government body carrying out research into nuclear fusion as a future source of energy. At UKAEA, we are involved in the development of water chemistry regimes, corrosion mitiga ....
Abbots Moss hydrological and water chemistry investigation
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
The purpose of this project is to collect water quality monitoring data for Abbots Moss both from groundwater and surface waters (see map), in order to provide an evidence base to assess the current condition, to inform actions to improve the water q ....
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