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Transfer to Assess Nursing Beds — Winter Period
Buyer : Wirral Borough Council
2 lots of 10 “Transfer To Assess” nursing beds (as specified in Appendix 1) are required to complement the existing provision of “Transfer To Assess” nursing beds, add capacity to alleviate seasonal pressures, and facilitate the safe and time ....
Provision of 10 Nursing beds and 12 nursing Elderly Mentally Infirm for 6 months ....
Buyer : City of York Council
The City of York Council (CYC) is looking to commission 10 Nursing beds & 12 nursing EMI residential beds for an initial period of 6 months to support hospital discharges to stepdown & step up, avoiding hospital admissions during the Winter period wi ....
Provision of 10 Nursing beds and 12 nursing Elderly Mentally Infirm for 6 months ....
Buyer : city of york council
The City of York Council (CYC) is looking to commission 10 Nursing beds and 12 nursing EMI residential beds for an initial period of 6 months. This is to support hospital discharges to stepdown and step up and avoiding hospital admissions during the ....
Transfer to Assess Nursing Beds - Winter Period
Buyer : Wirral Borough Council
TWO LOTS OF TEN 'Transfer To Assess' nursing beds (as specified in Appendix ONE) are required to complement the existing provision of 'Transfer To Assess' nursing beds, add capacity to alleviate seasonal pressures, and facilitate the safe and timely ....
Transfer to Assess Nursing Beds - Winter Period
Buyer : Wirral Borough Council
TWENTY 'Transfer To Assess' nursing beds (as specified in Appendix) are required to complement the existing provision of 'Transfer To Assess' nursing beds, add capacity to alleviate seasonal pressures, and facilitate the safe and timely transfer of m ....
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