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Buyer : Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Fund for deployment of research and evidence projects
Buyer : Home Office
1.1The Home office on behalf of the NPPC is seeking to create a Framework Agreement for the NPPC Counter Drones team to procure an RF Sensor. This Framework Agreement seeks to support delivery of this procurement through the provision of specialist g ....
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
The Royal Navy, part of the UK Ministry of Defence, intends to award a 5 year contract with a value of £478,000.00 to Atlantas Marine Ltd for purchase and support of a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) VideoRay Specialist Defender System. In accordanc ....
Homes England - Multidisciplinary Technical Services Framework - 52 homes - Ipsw ....
Buyer : homes england (the name adopted by the homes and communities agency)
Monitoring Surveyor services being provided by Aecom to Homes England. Homes England required to appoint a Monitoring Surveying (MS) Firm from its national Panel. The appointed MS is Aecom and their work will include providing initial due diligence a ....
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Purchase of several pressure plates for the Institute of Naval Medicine MKSI programme
Buyer : Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs Defra
Provision of acquiring 8 band Very High Resolution (VHR) Satellite Imagery. The service (imagery acquisition window) will commence from 1.4.2018 and will continue for a period of 5 months duration until 31.8.2018.
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