Bitesize Adaptive Learning
BBC Bitesize is looking to pilot a new adaptive learning experience to address audience needs. The pilot will focus on providing this experience to young people aged 14-16 in the United Kingdom, including learners preparing for their GCSE exams. In the longer term, Bitesize hopes to launch this to all education key stages (including primary). The adaptive learning experience will adopt a micro-learning approach to both longer-term learning for each curriculum key stage and exam revision, serving up content and assessment questions best suited to each individual learner, tracking educational progress in an interactive dashboard, and providing incentives and rewards for user engagement and achievement. We are interested in working with an organisation that has established capabilities, products or services which deliver personalised adaptive learning and revision experiences for young learners. The initial contract term is 1 year for the pilot phase with a budget of £200K. The Contract may be extended at the BBC's discretion by up 48 months up to a maximum total contract value of £1.5m over the total potential 5 year contract term, including the initial 1 year pilot.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80420000 - E-learning services.
Tenderbase Categories
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors