Customer Insight - Customer Sentiment collection, analysis and measurement systems
Accent Housing Limited has been providing high quality social housing for rent and sale for 50 years and remains firmly committed to providing their residents with the excellent homes and top-quality services they have a right to expect. We currently own and manage over 20,500 homes across the country, which over 34,000 residents and their families call home. Our residents' homes and services are managed through regional offices in Middlesbrough, Burnley, Camberley and Peterborough. The head office is located in Shipley, West Yorkshire. This is a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to establish the level of interest from potential suppliers of Customer Sentiment Collection and Measurement Systems to allow Accent to meet its Customer Insight objectives. The procurement itself is expected to commence in late February 2019 and be completed by the end of March 2019. Our intention is that the system will be live by the end of June 2019. The solution required centres around the provision of Customer Sentiment Collection and Measurement Software (however we reserve the future right to draw down, by mutual consent any other ad hoc professional services/software solution as required). Accent wishes to purchase a best of breed, innovative and effective market intelligence software that will work in conjunction with its existing systems. We anticipate that the system will deliver effective sentiment gathering between Accent and its residents by means of specialist omni-channel communications technologies and predictive, responsive, conversationalist artificial intelligence to ensure that we collect the most accurate customer sentiment in the most effective and efficient manner. To ensure that we have the best possible understanding of the products available in the market, Accent is opening a consultation opportunity from 7th January 2019 through to February 8th 2019. During this period, we invite contact from suitably accredited and experienced economic operators to ascertain how we might work together to deliver a new, innovative and market leading Customer Sentiment collection, analysis and measurement systems. There are a maximum of 9 sessions on offer over the three days and they will be allocated on a strictly first come first served basis for any proven supplier of the type of system described above. If you wish to attend one of the Supplier Events, please register your interest only via the ProContract Messaging System: emails directly to Accent employees will be deleted unread. Following the closure of this Market Engagement exercise, Accent will produce a specification and issue a Request for Quotation (RFQ) in late February 2019.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors