HS2 Main Works S1 & S2 - WP171 SCL Formwork
The scope for this package is the supply of SCL Formworks. SCS require lining shutters to construct cast insitu concrete tunnel secondary linings. The works will include: *Technical design *Design to British or European Standards. *Provision of calculations and drawings, including design of all temporary loads such as concrete pressure and uplift/floatation without penetrations through the shutter or waterproof membrane. *Provision of erection sequence /shop drawings *Manufacture and delivery of formwork to SCS jobsites, at multiple locations along the HS2 S1 and S2 contract. *Initial assembly of the system in the tunnel. *Buy-back of the system. The works are split in to 3no. separate packages: 1)Cross Passages a.Access limited to cross passage by openings in the TBM running tunnel of 2.850 x 1.900m b.Secondary lining invert will have previously been cast flat. c.Secondary lining thickness of ~250mm. d.Shutter internal dimensions ~2.7m high x 3.3m wide. e.Cast in a single pour. f.Cross passages varying in length from 5-5.8m. The shutter should be adaptable to suit this length, and the combined TBM horizontal driving tolerances from both bores g.Due to access limitations for mechanical lifting, the shutter should take into consideration UK manual handling legislation. h.Required for July 2022 2)Old Oak Common SCL Tunnels a.Secondary lining shutters to facilitate the construction of both the Upline and Down running tunnels concurrently (2no complete sets of panels and carriages required) b.Shutter internal dimensions ~10m diameter. c.Formwork to be adaptable for a range of profiles, with common arc sections and make up pieces. d.Cast in a single pour. e.Shutter suitable for pours ~10m in length. Adaptable for make-up pours f.Formwork to be carriage mounted and hydraulically operated. g.Secondary lining invert will have previously been cast flat. h.Secondary lining thickness of ~350mm i.Facing material suitable for up 20no. of pours, with no access to clean or oil, whilst still providing F2 finish. j.Required for April 2023 3)Euston SCL Tunnels a.Secondary lining shutters to facilitate the construction of i.both the Upline and Down Crossover tunnels concurrently (2no complete sets of panels and carriages required) ,internal dimensions ~10m diameter. ii.Cavern crossover of varying sizes (15m, 13m and 11m), formwork to be adaptable for a range of profiles with common arc sections and make up pieces where possible. b.Cast in a single pour. c.Shutter suitable for pours ~10m in length. Adaptable for make-up pours d.Formwork to be carriage mounted and hydraulically operated. e.Secondary lining invert will have previously been cast flat. f.Secondary lining thickness of ~350mm g.Facing material suitable for up 35no. of pours, with no access to clean or oil, whilst still providing F2 finish. h.Required for Jan 2024 Following responses to this opportunity, the supply chain will be shortlisted accordingly. Those that are successful will be invited to prequalify in order to receive a tender enquiry for the subcontract works. Prequalification will consist of 'business assurance', which will focus on the supply chain's capability, competence and capacity to work with SCS JV, as well as technical assurance which provides an opportunity to assess the supply chain's ability to carry out the subcontract works in question. It is likely that this has been classified as a 'high-risk' package (to be confirmed), whereby the 'business assurance' element of prequalification may be satisfied if the supply chain partner holds one of the Common Assessment Standard (CAS) accreditations, namely: - Achilles Building Confidence (with Site Audit), - Constructionline Platinum, or - CHAS Premier (CAS) Assured (and not CHAS H&S, for example). Further to a tender process, final selection will be based upon a balanced scorecard assessment. The criteria of this assessment will consider commercial, technical and qualitative (e.g. health and safety, quality, environment and sustainability, etc.) evidence provided by the tenderers. SCS JV is an unincorporated joint venture between Skanska Construction UK Limited ("Skanska"), Costain Limited ("Costain") and STRABAG AG ("STRABAG") working on behalf of HS2 to deliver the main civil engineering works for the S1 and S2 sectors of HS2 Phase One. The Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) stage of the contract, where SCS JV was developing a scheme design, programme and target cost to deliver the detailed design and construction phase of the project, is now complete, whereby a Notice to Proceed to Stage Two (detailed design and construction) was issued on 15th April 2020. Not only have the individual companies delivered high-speed rail, major infrastructure and some of the most iconic structures internationally, SCS JV also has a proven record of working together. Skanska and Costain have a long history of successfully delivering civil engineering projects together in the UK, dating back 30 years. In joint venture they have delivered many major infrastructure projects, including the M25 in the 1980s, High Speed 1 in the early 2000s and the current Crossrail endeavour, shortly coming to completion under the streets of London. STRABAG and Skanska have worked together for over 15 years on European projects in Switzerland, Slovakia and Norway. As a joint venture, we are bringing together our collective strength to deliver world-class engineering, contributing to the long-term economic growth of local and international markets. This is perfectly encapsulated in our mission; to draw everyone together to create a strong foundation from which to launch a transformative legacy.
Published Date :
Deadline :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
14622000 - Steel
45223500 - Reinforced-concrete structures
45262310 - Reinforced-concrete work
43123000 - Tunnelling machinery
45221247 - Tunnelling works
44114000 - Concrete
44114200 - Concrete products
45262300 - Concrete work
45223210 - Structural steelworks
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors