Provision of a Financial Resilience Solution
NEPO seeks to establish a Framework for the provision of a Financial Resilience Solution (NEPRO x Financial Resilience). NEPO is seeking to establish a Solution for the supply of a suite of financial based services that can be deployed in a compliant and efficient manner to support public sector organisations in creating improved financial resilience under the banner of NEPRO x Financial Resilience. It is envisaged NEPRO x Financial Resilience will be delivered by a single or limited vendor / partner model to deliver this Solution. The Solution will be procured using the procedures outlined in the Procurement Act 2023 (PA 2023) The purpose of this Preliminary Market Engagement Notice is to provide prior information to the market on the intentions of NEPO to procure such a framework. This notice also provides an open invite to market engagement meetings. The provision of this Solution will allow Contracting Authorities to engage with a partner to support and guide them in relation to improving financial resilience in a more efficient and cost-effective model. This model will allow authorities to utilise the Solution to deliver specialist projects that support improving the current and future fiscal landscape, it will support upskilling their workforce, embrace innovative solutions in their organisations, and support future financial challenges faced by the public sector. From research already undertaken and initial market analysis, NEPO has combined the general business requirements for a public sector organisation with financial resilience objectives, as follows: • A partner capable of deploying solutions at pace. • Relevant capacity, capability, and demonstrable experience. • Fully costed services with clear savings targets and ROI • Flexibility to offer either a full range of services or a tailored selection based on engagement needs. • A strong commitment to fostering a proactive, preventative approach rather than a reactive one. An ecosystem of supporting partners to ensure successful delivery. • Transparent and proportionate rebates A clear focus on Social Value and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) benefits offered through the solution. The estimated value included in this Preliminary Market Engagement Notice is based on projected volumes per annum and extrapolated across the future framework period. The value may however be subject to change on the basis of design development between publication of the Preliminary Market Engagement Notice and Tender notice. NEPO is a Centralised Procurement Authority as defined in the Procurement Act 2023 (PA23). As a Centralised Procurement Authority, NEPO may provide central purchasing activity on behalf of contracting authorities (as defined by PA23). The framework will be available for use by all NEPO Members. A list of member organisations is available in the About section of the NEPO website at: This framework will also be made available to all current and future NEPO Associate Members. Current Associate Members are listed in the Associate Member section of the NEPO website: NEPO intends to make the future framework available for use by all contracting authorities throughout all administrative regions of the UK (as defined by the Procurement Act 2023) including but not limited to: Central Government Departments and their Agencies, local Government Departments and their Agencies, Non-Departmental Public Bodies, Central Government, NHS Bodies (including ambulance services), Local Authorities, Emergency Services (including Police and Fire rescue), Coastguard Emergency Services, Educational Establishments (including academies), Registered Social Landlords, Registered Charities who have a need to purchase the above services and any public body established by or under the Scotland Act 1998 or any Act of the Scottish Parliament. Please see the following websites for further details: A complete list of permissible users is shown on the NEPO website below: Organisations wishing to access the NEPO agreement will be required to register as a NEPO Associate Member in the first instance. Further information can be found at:
Published Date :
Deadline :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors