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Cleveland Fire Brigade Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, Cleveland Fire Brigade is most similar to organizations such as :
Supply, Installation and Maintenance of a Vehicle Roller Brake Tester
Buyer : Cleveland Fire Brigade
Tenders are invited for the de-commissioning of existing and installation of new roller brake tester for the Cleveland Fire Brigade's Vehicle Workshops, Technical Hub, Queens Meadow, Business Park, HARTLEPOOL, TS25 5TH. The brigade are replacing as t ....
Hire of Emergency Standby Generator for Stockton Fire Station
Buyer : Cleveland Fire Brigade
Quotations are invited for the hire of an emergency standby generator for Stockton Fire Station for a period of approximately 32 weeks to commencement to be agreed, approximately 30th September 2019 To obtain details and quotation documents you will ....
Provision of Assessor and Internal Quality Assurance Training leading to achieve ....
Buyer : Cleveland Fire Brigade
As part of the Brigades arrangements for workplace competence and internal quality assurance, the Brigade has adopted an approach of developing its supervisory and middle managers; key departmental staff with the skills and knowledge required to unde ....
Buyer : Cleveland Fire Brigade
In line with most other Emergency Services continual commitment to improve operational efficiency, effectiveness and operational assurance, Cleveland Fire Brigade is seeking to upgrade their current mobile incident command capabilities with new Comma ....
Provision of Replacement Linings to Fire House
Buyer : Cleveland Fire Brigade
Tenders are invited for the Provision of Replacement Linings to Fire House for Cleveland Fire Authority, Brigade Training & Administration Hub, Endeavour House, Queens Meadow Business Park, HARTLEPOOL TS25 5TH. The project comprises of replacement of ....
Refurbishment Stockton Fire Station
Buyer : Cleveland Fire Brigade
Cleveland Fire Authority are currently out to tender for the Refurbishment of Stockton Fire Station, 11 South Rd, Stockton-on-Tees TS20 2SU To obtain tender documents please register on the Brigades E-tendering System In-tend ....
Service and Maintenance of Breathing Air Compressors
Buyer : Cleveland Fire Brigade
Quotations are invited for the provision of service, maintenance and repair of Cleveland Fire Brigade's Breathing Air compressors for a 12 month period - 3.6.2019 - 31.5.2020.
Mechanical & Electrical Consultancy Services
Buyer : Cleveland Fire Brigade
The Authority has identified a number of areas where it seeks Professional Services in respect of mechanical and electrical consultancy advice and guidance. The contract requirements cover general advice and guidance as well as those requirements hig ....
Appliance Bay, Garage Doors - Planned & Reactive Maintenance
Buyer : Cleveland Fire Brigade
This tender is for the provision of Planned & Reactive maintenance services - Appliance Bay, garage Doors in accordance with the Specification of requirements, terms and conditions of contract. Cleveland Fire Brigade (CFB) as Procurement Lead for thi ....
Provision of Command Support Software and Associated Support
Buyer : Cleveland Fire Brigade
Cleveland Fire Brigade, as Procurement lead for this collaborative project invites tenders from providers who wish to supply, implement, and support & maintain new Command Support Software. It is imperative that prospective suppliers understand that ....
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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