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Marine Conservation Society Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, Marine Conservation Society is most similar to organizations such as :
Native Oyster Project (monitoring and deployment) delivery contract, Welsh Marin ....
Buyer : Marine Conservation Society
This invitation to tender covers a contract to aid native oyster restoration within the Milford Haven waterway. This work will draw upon that delivered in the development phase of NaB! ! (Annex 1. Reports: Natur am Byth! Native Oyster Project: Initia ....
Native Oyster Project (purchase of oysters) delivery contract, Welsh Marine Trea ....
Buyer : Marine Conservation Society
This invitation to tender covers a contract to supply native oysters, Ostrea edulis, to aid native oyster restoration within the Milford Haven waterway. This work will draw upon that delivered in the development phase of NaB! (Reference final report ....
Hiraeth yn y Môr Project Evaluator
Buyer : Marine Conservation Society
Hiraeth yn y Môr is a Conwy & Denbighshire-based, community-driven project focussed on growing Ocean Literacy as a means to support the sustainable management of the Liverpool Bay/Bay Lerpwl SPA. Led by the Marine Conservation Society, the proje ....
: Marine Treasures, Natur am Byth Water Quality Project Llyn & Ynys Mon & Pembro ....
Buyer : Marine Conservation Society
This is an invitation to quote (ITQ) for the contract for the Water Quality Project: Llŷn & Ynys Môn and Pembrokeshire during the development phase of Natur am Byth!MCS, who are leading on Welsh Marine Treasures, the marine component of the Natur a ....
Marine Treasures, Natur am Byth: Crawfish Project Llŷn & Ynys Môn and Pembroke ....
Buyer : Marine Conservation Society
This is an invitation to quote (ITQ) for the contract Crawfish Project, Llŷn & Ynys Môn and Pembrokeshire during the 18 month development phase of the Natur am Byth project.MCS, who are leading on Marine Treasures, the marine component of the Natur ....
Marine Treasures, Natur am Byth: Seagrass Project Llyn & Ynys Mon and Pembrokesh ....
Buyer : Marine Conservation Society
This invitation to quote covers a contract reviewing potential management of moorings and monitoring of seagrass health across seagrass meadows in Pembrokeshire and Llŷn & Ynys Môn, (please see Appendix 1 for indicative location of the NaB projects ....
Marine Treasures, Natur am Byth: Pink Sea Fan Project Pembrokeshire
Buyer : Marine Conservation Society
This invitation to quote covers a contract to review population recovery options for the Pink Sea Fan (PSF) in Wales, with a focus around the Skomer Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ), identifying key organisations and individuals to deliver this recover ....
Natur am Byth: Native Oyster Project Llŷn & Ynys Môn and Pembrokeshire
Buyer : Marine Conservation Society
‘Natur Am Byth’ is a partnership between 9 environmental NGOs and NRW to develop what will be the largest nature conservation and engagement project in Wales to save our most threatened species. This will be the first time that such a large range ....
Natur am Byth! Llyn & Ynys Mon Coordinator
Buyer : Marine Conservation Society
This is an invitation to tender (ITT) for the contract for Llŷn & Ynys Môn coordinator during the 17 month development phase of the Natur am Byth project.MCS, who are leading on Marine Treasures, the marine component of the Natur am Byth project, a ....
Natur am Byth! Pembrokeshire Coordinator
Buyer : Marine Conservation Society
This is an invitation to tender (ITT) for the contract for Pembrokeshire coordinator during the 17 month development phase of the Natur am Byth project.MCS, who are leading on Marine Treasures, the marine component of the Natur am Byth project, are s ....
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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