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GB-Tyne & Wear: TPPL Newcastle City Council NEPO HGV Lot 3 - 1 x Isuzu F110. ....
Buyer : Newcastle City Council
1 x 11t Isuzu Ex Demo Vehicle
110. - Grounds & Maintenance contract for Coleg Gwent
Buyer : Coleg Gwent
You are invited by the Coleg Gwent Further Education Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Employer’) to submit a tender for the Grounds Maintenance Contract to the Premises of Coleg Gwent, covering 6 sites, all details and drawings etc to ....
Provision of Bus Service — Route 110.
Buyer : London Bus Services Limited
Provision of Bus Service Route 110 for 5 years with a provision of a 2 year extension depending on performance. Please note, costs posted on OJEU sometimes differ from those on the internet, this is due to post award negotiations.
110. - Grounds & Maintenance contract for Coleg Gwent
Buyer : Coleg Gwent
You are invited by the Coleg Gwent Further Education Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Employer’) to submit a tender for the Grounds Maintenance Contract to the Premises of Coleg Gwent, covering 6 sites, all details and drawings etc to ....
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