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The Provision of Security Services in Afghanistan
Buyer : Unknown
The provision of security services in Afghanistan.
Buyer : Unknown
The British Embassy in Kabul is seeking a suitable provider for the following requirements:— Lot 1: Regular rotary wing shuttle service between British Embassy Kabul and Kabul International Airport,— Lot 2: Occasional provincial travel from Kabul ....
Provision of Life Support Services in Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia.
Life Support Services including Catering, Cleaning, Laundry, Facilities Management, Gardening, Waste Removal, Vermin Control, Medical Services, Vehicle Repair and Maintenance, Generator Maintenance, Shop and Bar facilities.
Seminars for the South Asia and Afghanistan Practitioner Level
Buyer : Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Seminars for the South Asia and Afghanistan Practitioner Level
The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) awarded the contract to deliver the Global Mine Action Programme 3 (GMAP 3) in Afghanistan to The Halo Trust. The contract value is up to £5.5m. The contract will run from April 2023 to the end ....
CSSF: Afghanistan Assurance and Learning Programme (ALP)
Buyer : foreign commonwealth and development office
This contract will deliver demand led services to help gain assurances and learn lessons to support delivery of ODA programmes in Afghanistan.
Repair and Maintenance of GenCAVs in MeS, Afghanistan-CAN
Buyer : ministry of defence
Notice to confirm the award of Contract 700829372 for the Repair and Maintenance of GenCAVs in MeS, Afghanistan to Mukhtar Motors on a Single Source basis. Contract Documents also published for Transparency purposes.
PO 10068 - Afghanistan Conflict Sensitivity Mechanism (ACSM) - Contract Award
Buyer : foreign, commonwealth & development office
A demand led service of TA to increase FCDO's understanding of the conflict dynamics in Afghanistan, over 5 years to build a body of evidence of what works and what doesn't work in order to support FCDO Afghanistan in the to design and delivery of mo ....
The supply of whole aircraft charter to move cargo between Kabul, Afghanistan an ....
Buyer : ministry of defence
The supply of whole aircraft charter to move cargo worldwide.
The Provision of Security Services in Afghanistan
Buyer : Unknown
The provision of security services in AFGHANISTAN.
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