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Establishment of a Framework Contract for road resurfacing and reconstruction works to supplement the Councils ‘in-house’ provision
Wokingham Borough Council are seeking to engage with external organisations to gauge the level of market interest in the formation of a framework for the provision of a variety of construction works in lots which will run for up to 4 years (and in ac ....
Establishment of a Framework Contract for road resurfacing and reconstruction works to supplement the Councils ‘in-house’ provision
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) provides world-leading measurement science, engineering, and technology to underpin prosperity and quality of life. The proposed project is to deliver the refurbishment and change of use works to B47 to facilita ....
North Lanarkshire Council Framework for the Demolition and Deconstruction of Com ....
Buyer : North Lanarkshire Council
North Lanarkshire Council (NLC) is inviting expressions of interest from suitably qualified contractors to participate in a procurement exercise for a framework agreement to undertake complex demolition and deconstruction services. Scope of Works The ....
This information note is being publicly shared via Find a Tender Service and Contracts Finder, making it accessible to all suppliers in the market.The Department of Health and Social Care (The Authority) is seeking information and insights from Poten ....
Main Contractor for the design and construction of flood defence, civils, landscaping, and drainage works at Foreshore areas 0 & 1 at Barking Riverside. The scheme primarily comprises the raising and formation of the flood defence to the developm ....
Bromford Contractor Works and Services Dynamic Purchasing System-construction wo ....
Buyer : Bromford Housing Group
Bromford is looking to create a DPS for the provision of construction works and services relating to the maintenance of social housing.The purpose of the DPS is to ensure access to quality contractors across Bromford's geographical regions.The DPS is ....
SNG are tendering for a framework for development new builds, refurbishment projects and construction management. The framework will be split into 12 lots based on geography and value bands across the South of the UK.
DHSC: Request for Information - Ambulance Radio Programme (ARP) Network Infrastr ....
Buyer : Department of Health and Social Care
This information note is being publicly shared via Find a Tender Service and Contracts Finder, making it accessible to all suppliers in the market.The Department of Health and Social Care (The Authority) is seeking information and insights from Poten ....
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