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North Northamptonshire Council intends to award a contract to an existing provider following Direct Award Process C under the Provider Selection Regime (PSR).
This is a Contract Award Notice to award using the Most Suitable Provider Process to The Mote Medical Practice to deliver primary medical services in Staplehurst, Kent, as a branch surgery with the current patient list (by allocation while noting pat ....
Soldier Systems - The requirement is for the provision of a selection of ‘On the Man’ equipment, including both Commercially Off The Shelf (COTS) and Military Off The Shelf (MOTS) items.
Mental Health Rehabilitation Services is an intermediate short-term service of up to 2 years, for adults with needs in relation to their mental health.
Mental Health Rehabilitation Services is an intermediate short-term service of up to 2 years, for adults with needs in relation to their mental health.
The primary purpose of the Career Transition Service is to assist ( through the provision of career advisory and training services) eligible regular and full-time reserve personnel leaving the Armed Forces(Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force) to mak ....
Contract Award Notice for Ocean Tanker Vetting Services and TMSA Reports
Soldier Systems Framework Contract Award Notice
Contract Award Notice - Thames Navigation PSRA (Lot 1)
Buyer : Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
Delivery of Public Safety Risk Assessment works in Thames Area
Contract Award Notice- Thames Navigation PSRA Project (Lot 1)
Buyer : Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
Delivery of PSRA works in Thames area
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