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Digital British Sign Language Interpretation
Buyer : Money and Pensions Service
The Money and Pension Services are seeking a digital service that can translate its MoneyHelper website into British Sign Language.
British Sign Language (BSL) Interpreter Services
Buyer : Fife College
Fife College required qualified British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters to meet the support needs of deaf and hearing impaired students.
British sign language interpretation for MHCLG
Buyer : Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
This contract has already been awarded and is being published for transparency purposes. British sign language interpretation for MHCLG
Provision of British Sign Language Content, Translation & Interpretation
Buyer : Crown Commercial Service
The requirement is for a single supplier for British Sing Language content, translation and interpreting for 2 years (plus one year extension option). Exact deliverables are bespoke and ad hoc and to be agreed between the commissioning unit and the S ....
Provision of Sign Language interpretation for accessibility during meetings and presentations
Nottingham Trent University is seeking Tenders from Suppliers who are capable of providing a high-quality British Sign Language interpretation service for deaf students, in a range of direct learning and teaching activities. This shall include as a m ....
Provision of British Sign Language Video Relay Service
Buyer : driver & vehicle licensing agency
DVLA currently provides a customer service accessibility provision for deaf customers who use British Sign Language (BSL). 'Video Relay Services' allow deaf customers to use their 1st language (BSL) to communicate with businesses. Usage on this servi ....
Provision of Translation and Interpretation - BSL Contract Period 3 years with 1 x 2 year extension
Provision of Translation and Sign Language Contract Duration 3 Years + 1 x 2 Year Extension
Provision of Translation and Interpretation Services
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