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PLACE020 P31008 Woodville Culvert - CIPP Lining
Buyer : derbyshire county council
P31008 Woodville Culvert - CIPP Lining
The C & L CCTV Culvert Inspection, Cleansing and CIPP Lining Programme 20-21
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
The C & L CCTV Culvert Inspection, Cleansing and CIPP Lining Programme 20-21
Buyer : Clancy Docwra Limited
Clancy Group have a sub-contract opportunity on the HS2. Details: On 4 No. separate sites we require CIPP lining to existing Thames Water assets. Works are to include all necessary overpumping. 3 of the assets are 1.2m diameter sewers and the fourth ....
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