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Second Variation Agreement to the contract for the provision of goods and servic ....
Buyer : Department of Health and Social Care
Labour and equipment to accommodate end point PCR - £1,179,565End point PCR running costs - £31.05m
Provision of Services to Support the UK Covid-19 Testing Strategy
Buyer : Department of Health and Social Care
Provision of services to support the UK COVID-19 Testing Strategy
Provision of services to support the UK COVID-19 Testing Strategy
Buyer : Department of Health and Social Care
Contract for the supply services in relation to response management (including agency provision of personnel comprising of paid staff and volunteers) and payment functions on behalf of DHSC as part of the UK COVID-19 Testing Strategy
Provision of Medical Personnel Services to Support the UK Covid-19 Testing Strat ....
Buyer : Department of Health and Social Care
Contract for the supply services in relation to response management (including agency provision of personnel comprising of paid staff and volunteers) and payment functions on behalf of DHSC as part of the UK COVID-19 Testing Strategy.
Provision of Medical Personnel Services to Support the UK Covid-19 Testing Strat ....
Buyer : Department of Health and Social Care
Contract for the supply of services for resourcing and on-boarding volunteers and paid workers in connection with the provision of rapid testing services at rapid testing sites as part of the UK Covid-19 Testing Strategy
Contract for the supply services in relation to response management (including agency provision of personnel comprising of paid staff and volunteers) and payment functions on behalf of DHSC as part of the UK COVID-19 Testing Strategy.
Contract for the supply of services for resourcing and on-boarding volunteers and paid workers in connection with the provision of rapid testing services at rapid testing sites as part of the UK Covid-19 Testing Strategy
Provision of PCR Equipment and Consumables as part of the UK Covid-19 Testing St ....
Buyer : Department of Health and Social Care
Provision of PCR equipment and consumables as part of the UK Covid-19 Testing strategy in support of Pillar1 – NHS laboratory testing.
Provision of goods and services to support the UK Covid-19 Testing Strategy
Buyer : Department of Health and Social Care
Provision of goods and services to support the UK Covid-19 Testing Strategy.
Provision of Services to Support the UK Covid-19 Testing Strategy
Buyer : Department of Health and Social Care
Provision of services to support the UK Covid-19 testing strategy.
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