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Congleton Town Council is pleased to invite tenders for the Decarbonisation Project aimed at reducing carbon emissions and enhancing energy efficiency within the town hall. This project is a key part of our commitment to sustainability and environmen ....
Phase 1 – Pre-Construction Services (RIBA Stage 4) The initial appointment will be for the pre-construction services, which encompass the completion of RIBA Stage 4 (Technical Design). The contractor will be responsible for providing detailed input ....
This procurement is being conducted under the open procedure pursuant to regulation 27 of the Public Contracts Regulations as amended (PCR 2015). The Greater London Authority (GLA) is seeking to appoint service providers for the provision of RE:FIT 5 ....
Bassetlaw District Council wishes to invite tenders to procure a principal contractor, via a design and build contract, to replace gas boilers with ASHP, facilitating works and energy saving measures. The contractor will need to build on BDC's c ....
UKRI wishes to establish a Contract for the provision of Compressed Air, Nitrogen Generators, Carbon Towers and Associated Services. The site address for delivery of the goods and/or services is are as follows: a.Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwe ....
This is a tender split into two lots, primarily formed of the assessment of applications for grant funding for decarbonisation works. This is Lot 1 - Application Assessment and Advisory Services. Salix Finance are also required to audit the completed ....
Delivering sustainability and carbon neutral targets through innovative technolo ....
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)
The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as National Services Scotland) (NSS) are acting on behalf of NHS Ayrshire & Arran, NHS Dumfries & Galloway, NHS Forth Valley and NHS Lanarkshire are seeking expressions of interest from parties capable ....
We are tendering a framework for Decarbonisation Partnerships. The framework will run for 4 years, subject to review. If successful, you will have the opportunity to be awarded regional contracts through direct selection or Mini Competition. The dura ....
The Authority seeks to establish a multi-supplier Framework to provide Energy Efficiency Retrofit measures in accordance with PAS 2035, and traditional Investment and refurbishment works for domestic and public buildings for its Members and other Pub ....
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