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A contract has been awarded via a tendering exercise where PMS were the most economical option from 4 No. quotations received from local companies with storage facilities.
Harbour Support Facilities Works, Castletownbere Fishery Harbour Centre, Co. Cor ....
Buyer : Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
(1) Demolish existing workshop building,(2) Construct new workshop building with staff facilities, site boundary fence and vehicular entrances, (3) Install solar PV Panels on roof of proposed workshop building, (4) Construct internal access roadway a ....
Water Metering & New Sewer - Consultancy Services required for Water Metering & ....
Buyer : Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) requires the services of a Consultancy firm with expertise in civil, environmental, mechanical and electrical engineering to prepare Preliminary Report, detailed design, tender documentation, ....
Dinish Wharf Completion Works - Dinish Wharf Completion Works, Castletownbere Fi ....
Buyer : Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
The Dinish Wharf Completion Works Contract is for the completion of the Dinish Wharf Expansion Project, which is located at Castletownbere Fishery Harbour Centre, Co. Cork, Ireland. The Works Contract follows on from the Dinish Wharf North Quay Essen ....
SFPA Facility, Castletownbere - Construction of 2 storey industrial building and ....
Buyer : Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
The project works involves the construction of new portal frame building with concrete blockwork walls & suspended concrete precast floors in Castletownbere Fishery Harbour Centre, Co Cork. The total ground floor area is to be approximately 150m² in ....
New Building in Castletownbere - Consultancy Services for Proposed Sea Fishery P ....
Buyer : Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) requires the services of a Consultancy firm with expertise in building design and structural engineering to advance the design and construction of the Proposed Sea Fishery Protection Authority ....
Castletownbere FHC Sludge - Sludge Removal, Castletownbere Fishery Harbour Centr ....
Buyer : Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Collection of sludge (Non ABP) as per specification and transport to approved facility for treatment/disposal.
Infrastructure Upgrade Works - Road Network and Infrastructure Upgrade Works at ....
Buyer : Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Site clearance, provision of new storm drains, footpaths and public lighting. Road surfacing works and associated lining and signage. Modification to palisade perimeter fencing
Beara Community School - Beara Community School - Tender for the Supply,Delivery ....
Buyer : Scoil Phobail Bheara
Beara Community School - Tender for the Supply,Delivery and installation of Art and Craft supplies & equipment to Beara Community School,Castletownbere,Co Cork
Beara Community School - Tender for the Supply,Delivery and installation of Art ....
Buyer : Scoil Phobail Bheara
Tender for the Supply,Delivery and installation of Art and Craft supplies & equipment to Beara Community School,Castletownbere,Co Cork
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