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iCasework case management for councillors
Buyer : london borough of islington
Purchase and Implementation of Civica iCasework councillor case management system on request of Chief Executive. System will enable Councillors to log and track cases from members of the public and follow up with relevant internal departments to brin ....
This is to procure a software solution to allow County Councillors to manage/track constituent casework.r r Contract awarded via G-cloud13.
2346 - Provision of technology hardware and IT services to Councillors for South ....
Buyer : South Dublin County Council
Provision of technology hardware and IT services to Councillors for South Dublin, Fingal and Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Councils 2019 - 2023
Analysis to Inform Support to Woman Provincial Councillors in Afghanistan.
Buyer : Procurement
Increased women's political participation at both the local and national level in Afghanistan will lead to a greater contribution by women to local and national decision-making. It is also expected to lead to a greater focus on women's interests by d ....
GB-London: Highways maintenance - a councillors' guide on increasing produc ....
Buyer : Local Government Association
LGA are looking for a councillors' guide on increasing productivity and achieving better outcomes from technology and leading-edge practice in highways maintenance.
Councillors guide to waste and recycling reforms in England
Buyer : Local Government Association
The purpose of this procurement is to develop a set of materials aimed specifically at councillors setting out a concise guide to current reforms to waste and recycling services, and how they will affect local government services.
The objective of the Better Use of Data programme is to help local authorities develop an evidence-based culture which will enable well-informed decisions and improve performance management, service design, accountability and transparency. The LGA wo ....
GB-Westminster: Disabled Councillors Leadership Programme
Buyer : local government association
The LGA is looking to procure a provider to deliver a bespoke leadership development programme for disabled councillors in England. Following the successful design and delivery of the first two cohorts in 2022/23 and 2023/24, the appointed provider w ....
GB-London: Safer Canvassing Guide for Councillors
Buyer : local government association
2024 will see elections take place in all areas of England, with local council, GLA and PCC elections scheduled for May, and a very high probability of a general election. As candidates or as key local campaigners for their party, local councillors w ....
We are seeking a supplier to deliver one or two training courses for councillors on the topic of digitalisation. The first is our 'Leadership Essentials: Digitalisation programme for Councillors' and the second is our 'Digitalisation Masterclasses fo ....
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