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HSE are looking to procure a web-based tool to import information from various bibliographic databases for scientific and academic research for HSE staff to access. This information will be required to be up to date, specific and trustworthy for inst ....
Skills Development Scotland has a multi-lot requirement to procure a supplier to host the UK National Occupational Standards system which is an Umbraco website currently hosted on an Azure application service. Skills Development Scotland also has a r ....
The Medicines Value Team (MVT) and the Commercial Medicines Unit (CMU) have a strong commercial interest in accurate and timely patent expiry information and are looking to procure an information source/database access subscription. The Medicines Val ....
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP) manages a Harm Reduction Database contract, which has been in place since 2020 and is due to expire on the 18th August 2025. The current solution is utilised by in excess of 330 separate sites (including ....
The Marine Environmental Monitoring and Assessment National Database - Plus (MERMAN+) (v2.0) is the recently revised data repository that stores quality-assured marine environmental data collected by seven UK Competent Monitoring Authorities (CMAs) u ....
CFA Intelligence Database 2024
Buyer : NHS Business Services Authority
Request for information to identify Intelligence Database solutions.
Description of the Procurement: The Supply shall include the following technical deliverables and activities: Access to a database/web portal managed by the Contractor and that provides access to the following listed types of content. • Research, i ....
Following our first round of supplier engagement in August the preparation for going to market to replace the current contract for the Global Supply Chains Intelligence Programme (GSCIP) Knowledge Graph is well advanced. This notice is to invite inte ....
Invest NI Business Information Centre (BIC) is operated by the Business Information Services team, based in the Innovation, Research and Development (IRD) Division of Invest NI. It provides a cost-effective information service to any NI company or in ....
This Notice signals DBT’s intention to go to market to replace the current contract for the Global Supply Chains Intelligence Programme (GSCIP) Knowledge Graph which expires in March 2025 and is for Market Engagement purposes only. This notice cont ....
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