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NWUPC in conjunction with UCEA has a requirement to establish a Framework Agreement for the provision of a Defined Contribution Master Trust Pension Scheme and Employee Benefits including Group Life Assurance, Group Income Protection and the provisio ....
NWUPC, supported by the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), are notifying the market of our intention to establish a Framework Agreement for the following three areas: Lot 1 - Defined Contribution Pension Scheme Lot 2 - Group Life ....
The Authority is entering into a contract for the provision of Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) with British Telecommunications Plc through Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework RM6116 - Network Services 3 - Lot 1a: Inter Site Connectiv ....
Law Enforcement (LECN) Software Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) continuity
Buyer : Home Office
Contract for the continued provision of services for a Software Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) High Assurance solution deployed as a shared platform that meets OFFICIAL standards, with service and solution uplifts to support OFFICIAL caveats (suc ....
F0027 Operations Defined Cost Audits
Buyer : National Highways
The objective is for the supplier to carry out people and or cost audits on 15 contractors on the Scheme Delivery Framework/ Pavement Delivery Framework, so that by completion each contractor has agreed year 1, year 2 and year 3 equipment or people r ....
Understanding our Customers - Quantitative Research Defined Term Agreement
Buyer : H M Revenue & Customs
This Defined Term Agreement (DTA) will be used for the commissioning of low value quantitative research projects across the contract period.
he aim of the procurement is to ensure an effective approach is taken which will ....
Buyer : East Sussex County Council
The aim of the procurement is to ensure an effective approach is taken which will meet the current and future needs of the organisation and the educational establishments who buy in to the contracts. Property Services manages a number of assets and c ....
Defined Contribution Pension Plan Services - for old pension fund that closed
Research Services : Research on UK Defined Contribution Pension Scheme Default I ....
Buyer : the financial reporting council limited
***THIS IS CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE*** The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) regulates auditors, accountants and actuaries and sets the UK's Corporate Governance and Stewardship Codes. We seek to promote transparency and integrity in business; our work ....
SD-WAN (Software Defined Wide Area Network) implementation services
Buyer : english heritage trust
This is a call-off from the NHS SBS/19/AB/WAB/9411 Digital Workplace Solutions framework following a further competition. Services relate to provision of goods and services to deliver SD-WAN (software defined wide area network) implementation service ....
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