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Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for Dromore High School
Buyer : the Education Authority
Appointment of a Project Manager led Integrated Consultant Team for the delivery of the Dromore High School - Ref MA22- 0000I403. Approximate services value £3.16m. The Integrated Consultant Team to provide full professional services for RIBA P ....
SCC2019/018 - nZEB Pilot Project for the Construction of 10 no. Units at Dromore ....
Buyer : Sligo County Council
The construction of 10 no. dwellings consisting of 2 terraces of 4 no. single storey houses(2 bedroom) and 2 no. semi detached 2 storey houses (3 bedroom) at St. Farnan's Drive, Dromore West, Co. Sligo.
MonTour 02 2023 - Multi-Disciplinary Design Team for infrastructural development ....
Buyer : Monaghan County Council
Monaghan County Council intends to appoint a Design Team to provide designs for infrastructual developments along the proposed 12km Dromore River Blueway (Ballybay to Lisnalong), Co Monaghan. Monaghan County Council has secured Project Development fu ....
Transportation of Waste from Banbridge, Dromore and Rathfriland Recycling Centre ....
Buyer : Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council
This tender is for the transportation of various waste material from Banbridge, Dromore and Rathfriland Recycling Centres to specified locations for reprocessing/disposal on behalf of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council. The initial ....
SCC 2019/004 - Dromore West Traffic Calming 2019
Buyer : Sligo County Council
Footpaths, Drainage, Pavement repair and Pedestrian Crossing in Dromore West County Sligo.
SELB Major Capital Works at Dromore Central Primary School.
Buyer : Southern Education and Library Board
Site decontamination and improvement works to brown field site with subsequent construction of new 25 class base primary school.
Major Capital Works Announcement 2022 - Appointment of Integrated Consultant Tea ....
Buyer : the Education Authority
Appointment of a Project Manager led Integrated Consultant Team for the delivery of the Dromore High School - Ref MA22- 0000I403. Approximate services value £3.16m. The Integrated Consultant Team to provide full professional services for RIBA Plan o ....
Dromore NS Extension - Construction of 2 No. Classrooms, Staff Room, ancillary s ....
Buyer : Dromore National School
Construction of 2 No. Classrooms, Staffroom, Entrance Foyer, Ancillary Accommodation, with works to the existing school, and associated site works including the creation of new sensory garden, relocation of ballcourt and reconfiguration to the existi ....
Dromore Nature Reserve Trails - Re-surfacing of gravel trails
Buyer : Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government
Tenders are invited from suitably qualified contractors to resurface five tracks (totalling 5,611 metres, varying width) of existing tracks and trails within Dromore Woodlands Nature Reserve, Ruan, Co. Clare.
Dromore 2021_1 - Upgrade and alterations to two existing entrances in Dromore Wo ....
Buyer : Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government
Works consist of the extension of existing undefined parking areas at two seperate entrances in Dromore Woods. It is proposed to widen and upgrade the entrances: providing additional room for cars, improving site boundaries and improving visitor acce ....
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