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The HFEA is seeking to replace its bespoke regulatory licence management system (Epicentre) and web portal used by licenced clinics with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and related cloud portal technologies and is seeking to appoint a delivery partner to assi ....
The ExtraCare Charitable Trust is inviting potential suppliers to participate in the tender exercise for a pre-configured, cloud-based, Housing and Asset Management solution. ExtraCare is seeking an "off the shelf" solution consisting of multiple int ....
Microsoft Dynamics CRM support and development partner
Buyer : Development Bank of Wales
The successful supplier will be responsible for both development and support of the CRM function at the Development Bank of Wales.This notice is to ask suppliers to express an interest in the opportunity if they are able to undertake both the develop ....
AN2025 Support Contract & Development Call-Off Contract for Dynamics 365 System
Buyer : Chwarae Teg
Supply, Delivery and Installation of Thermodynamics Laboratory Training Equipmen ....
Buyer : Ministry of Defence, C&C, C&C
The authority has a one off requirement for the procurement of thermodynamics laboratory equipment to assist in the delivery of Engineering Training at HMS Sultan.
Software package for creating meshes for finite element analysis and computation ....
Buyer : Swansea University
A software package is required for creating meshes for finite element analysis and computational fluid dynamics from three dimensional images (e.g. from X-ray tomography).The software must have the following capabilities:- User friendly interface wit ....
(Bay Hub) Tender for supply of interactive Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ha ....
Buyer : Swansea University
In order to create an interactive Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) installation as part of the new Bay Campus ‘Aero Lab’ the College of Engineering requires the acquisition of compute and visualisation hardware. The facility should allow users ....
BLK ARC Scanner with upgraded Corei/o unit and accessories for operation on Bost ....
Required replacement and upgrade of scanner and on-board computer with accessories for Boston Dynamics Robot dog.
Dynamics and Power Apps Continuous Improvement and Support - Enforcement and Bus ....
Buyer : Department for Transport
The Dynamics and Power Apps Continuous Improvement provider will deliver continuous improvements to the Enforcement Management System (EMS) and other DVSA systems that have been developed using Microsoft (MS) Dynamics
Contractor for Dynamics Developer
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