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UPS System Emergency Lights - Christchurch Mansion
Buyer : Ipswich Borough Council
Ipswich Borough Council are currently out to tender for the provision of a new UPS system This opportunity is available in the `Current Tenders` area of portal. Interested parties are invited to express their interest to gain full access to the tende ....
Fire Alarms and Emergency Lights Servicing in Non-domestic Properties from April ....
Buyer : Conwy County Borough Council
Conwy County Borough Council’s Engineering & Design Services wish to invite Requests to Tender from suitably qualified companies for the performance of the following contract:Fire Alarms and Emergency Lights Servicing in non-domestic properties ....
BTHFT Maintenance Contract for Emergency Lights. This is a call off agreement from the NHS SBS Hard Facilities Management 2 framework. LOT 8 - Ancillary Estate Services (8.2 Fire Safety Equipment & Maintenance).
Buyer : university of sheffield
Emergency lighting required to meet H&S requirements.
20CSA004 Replacement Emergency Lights and Fire Alarms at Annan Town Hall
Buyer : Dumfries and Galloway Council
The works include the removal and replacement of the emergency lights and fire alarms within Annan Town Hall. Works to include removal and disposal of the existing systems and replacing with new system to comply with drawings and specification. Works ....
Tender for Replacement of Emergency lights at City Hall
Buyer : Belfast City Council
The project shall comprise of the replacement of the existing emergency luminaires throughout the building using a phased approach.The existing luminaires shall be systematically replaced with a combination of “manufacturer’s catalogue range lumi ....
Union Street - Replacement battery cells for emergency lights
Buyer : London Fire Brigade
Replacement battery cells for emergency lights
Testing of Emergency Lights for the SHSCT.
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
Testing of Emergency Lights for the SHSCT.
Fire Alarms and Emergency Lights Servicing in Non-domestic Properties from April ....
Buyer : Conwy County Borough Council
Conwy County Borough Council’s Property Management & Asset Services Department have now awarded the following contract:Fire alarms & emergency lights servicing in non-domestic properties from April 2011 to March 2015.The contract involves t ....
Testing and Maintenance of Emergency Lights
Buyer : Stirling Council
Testing and maintenance to emergency lighting in schools and public buildings
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