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Data base: Management and updating of AHDB global database with French contacts, along with distribution of survey Market share of St George in supermarkets which sell lamb in France. Completion of satisfaction survey amongst French supermarket head ....
Animators advertise the St George Lamb in the meat departments in supermarkets with POS material, tastings ,refrigerated cabinets, videos at cash tills . The objective is to develop the presence of branded St George Lamb retail packs on the shelves o ....
QS Services for the Frenchay DHN Extension to March 2025.
Buyer : university of the west of england
QS services for the Frenchay DHN extension to March 2025.
BSH/CPS/Park Road & Frenchay Park Rd rockface detailed design, surveys & plannin ....
Buyer : bristol city council
An appraisal of two near-vertical rock faces on Park Road and Frenchay Park has been conducted which has identified further design, survey, impact assessments and planning work that needs to be done to progress the project. Mini-competition via WECA' ....
Buyer : hull university teaching hospitals nhs trust
The supply and delivery of Solid State HRIM Catheter, 36 Channel Unidirectional, 12 Impedance Channels, 8 French for Oesophageal Studies to the Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a competitive quote exercise. Award notice for the supply of Plus Platform French Door Light Box / Faraday Cage to UKRI - MRC.
Lead reviewer for accreditation of GCSE French, German, and Spanish
Buyer : office of qualifications and examinations regulation (ofqual)
Lead reviewer for accreditation of revised GCSE's in French, German and Spanish.
LOT 1 French / English interpretation
Buyer : office of rail and road
We currently have the need for interpretation (i.e. orally at meetings) and translation services (i.e. of written documents). There will be two separate contracts (one each for interpretation and translation services) commencing on 1 April 2023 for a ....
BSH/CPS/ Rockface stabilisation & footway widening of Park Road & Frenchay Park
Buyer : bristol city council
BSH/CPS/ Rockface stabilisation & footway widening of Park Road & Frenchay Park
To complete roof condition surveys at Frenchay campus.
Buyer : university of the west of england
To complete roof condition surveys at Frenchay campus.
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