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RDE571 MMO1407: Understanding the impacts of different sized fishing gears
Buyer : Marine Management Organisation
Desk and field based project to assess the impact of different sized fishing gear in Marine Protected Areas. End deliverables will include final reports and 2 page summaries on findings.
Buyer : north lincolnshire council
Gearset Teams Licenses
Buyer : crown commercial service
The purpose of this procurement is to direct award a contract via TEPAS Lot 3 Framework for the provision of Gearset software, to support Crown Commercial Services (CCS) with the back office management of Salesforce.
Supply of gears
Provision of Installation and Commissioning of Pair of 400kVA Generators with Sy ....
Buyer : foreign commonwealth and development office
Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 2 x 400KV FG Wilson Diesel Generator Sets at the British Deputy High Commission in Karachi
Installation and Commissioning of Pair of 400kVA Generators with Synch Panel and ....
Buyer : foreign commonwealth and development office
Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 2 x 400KV FG Wilson Diesel Generator Sets at the British Deputy High Commission in Karachi
Lease Regears Modification to LLM contract
Buyer : Department for Work and Pensions
A single, national coverage contract that requires the Supplier to manage the portfolio of DWP’s leases (including lease renewals, rent reviews, liaison with landlords and general property portfolio administration activities) and intra-Government a ....
Yaw Gear for Siemens 2.3CS machines.
Servicing of Transformers and Switchgears
Buyer : Unitas Stoke-on-Trent Ltd.
This quotation request is for the annual service of transformers and switchgears located within various council operated and maintained building that are within the boundaries of Stoke-on-Trent. The contract duration will be 4 years & will be awarded ....
TfL 01233 Supply of Wagon Drawgears
Supply of Wagon Drawgears.
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