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Market Engagement - Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Centre
Buyer : Birmingham City Council
Birmingham City Council are carrying out this soft market testing exercise with the market to aid the Council in its commissioning options and the potential development of any future procurement strategy in relation to the future maintenance and mana ....
Market Engagement - Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Centre
Buyer : Birmingham City Council
Birmingham City Council are carrying out this soft market testing exercise with the market to aid the Council in its commissioning options and the potential development of any future procurement strategy in relation to the future maintenance and mana ....
Contract for Provision of Information Advice and Guidance Services in County Dur ....
Buyer : Durham County Council
This is for the provision of information , advice and guidance across County Durham. The service will be a free, independent, impartial, high quality service offering information, advice and casework services to maximise entitlement to, and raise awa ....
Invitation to Tender for the provision of Cheltenham Town Hall Sound System
Buyer : Cheltenham Borough Council
The project involves the replacement of the outdated sound system in the Main Hall with a modern, efficient solution. This includes restoring full functionality of the venue’s sound system to meet event demands, ensuring compliance with accessi ....
Invitation to Tender - New Multi-Use Games Area at Langham, Colchester, Essex Prepared by Langham Parish Council, Essex. 24th February 2025. Deadline for Final Tender Submission: midday 11th April 2025. Project Specification for fixed price contract ....
Painting Programme 2025 - 2027 - Durham Aged Mineworkers' Homes Association
Buyer : Durham Aged Mineworkers' Homes Association
To carry out all external painting and decoration work as detailed in the Specification and schedule of works and rates provided, to various DAMHA properties as listed in tender details. To include the removal and replacement of fixtures as deemed ne ....
Extension to existing DPS by one year - expiry date now 30th September 2026. The UKAEA Campus, Abingdon, Oxfordshire has a requirement for a Minor Works Dynamic Purchasing System with membership of the DPS managed through Constructionline. Future ten ....
Thames Freeport Food and Drink Sustainable Packaging Centre Programme
Buyer : Thames Freeport Limited
Thames Freeport seeks a supplier or consortia to design and develop the Food & Drink Sustainable Packaging Innovation Hub, forming part of a broader network linked to a planned AI Campus driving regional transformation. The selected partner will: Dev ....
Thames Freeport Mobile Health Innovation and Venture Platform
Buyer : Thames Freeport Limited
Thames Freeport seeks a supplier to develop a tech-enabled mobile health platform as a precursor to its AI Campus. The partner must have investor networks and venture-building expertise. Working with local providers, the platform will enhance regiona ....
Recovering of Roof & Associated Works at Saxmundham Ambulance Station
Buyer : East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Roof and associated works at Saxmundham Ambulance Station
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