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Identifying High Carbon Footprint Medicines
Buyer : nhs england
A piece of work to identify, appraise, and recommend a methodology to determine the carbon footprint of medicines.
Identifying High Carbon Footprint Medicines
Buyer : nhs england & nhs improvement
Need for the project 1.The 2019 NHS Long Term Plan set sustainability commitments for the NHS, which are elaborated in the 'Delivering a Net Zero National Health Service' report. 2.The 2020 'Delivering a Net Zero National Health Service' report commi ....
C56887 Identifying High Carbon Footprint Medicines In The NHS
Buyer : nhs england & nhs improvement
The 2019 NHS Long Term Plan set sustainability commitments for the NHS, which are elaborated in the 'Delivering a Net Zero National Health Service' report. Medicines account for 25% of NHS carbon emissions, 5 percentage points being direct emissions, ....
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