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This is for the delivery of Clerk of works and government soft landings for UKHO.
10185 - Structural repairs to stairs and communal landings, Berners Street area, ....
Buyer : norwich city council
Norwich City Council manages the maintenance and repair of council buildings and in order to maintain the buildings in good condition it is necessary to undertake repairs and maintenance as appropriate. The council is conducting an open tender for a ....
ACC6038940 - Test & Demonstration of Concept for Novel Amphibious Craft to Impro ....
Buyer : defence science and technology laboratory
DASA CONTRACT - Published For Transparency Purposes Only
PHE Science Hub Government Soft Landings
Buyer : Public Health England
Project to engage specialist contractor services on Government Soft Landings (GSL) Approach
9621 - Replacement Stairs and Structural Repairs to External Landings at:Alderso ....
Buyer : Norwich City Council e-Tendering
Norwich City Council requires a single supplier to provide structural and civil engineering maintenance and repair works to tenanted low-rise properties, which are being managed by NPS Norwich Ltd - Property Services Team. The work consists of: 1/ St ....
Government Soft Landings and Aftercare Services
Government Soft Landings and Aftercare
Construction of 3 Memorial Landings at Rowley Regis Cemetery. - AWARD
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Sandwell MBC are currently seeking a supplier for the construction of 3 memorial landings at Rowley Regis Cemetery. If you are interested in quoting for this work, please register/log in to the Intend Supplier portal to download the full documentatio ....
9622 - Omnia 5 - Replacement stairs and concrete repairs to pre cast concrete Om ....
Buyer : Norwich City Council e-Tendering
Norwich City Council requires a single supplier to provide structural and civil engineering maintenance and repair works to tenanted low rise properties which are being managed by NPS Norwich Ltd - Property Services Team. Structural maintenance and r ....
9407 - Structural Repairs to External Stairs and Landings at:Orchard Street, Wes ....
Buyer : Norwich City Council e-Tendering
Maintenance and repair works are required to a range of structural defects which relate to (but may not be limited to):- Works comprises of 5 blocks of flats within similar low rise residential estates. The works involve: Repairs to external reinforc ....
Buyer : basingstoke and deane borough council
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council ('the Council') is seeking to appoint a suitable contractor to undertake the replacement of the Poolside Landings at the Aquadrome, situated within the Basingstoke Leisure Park. The Aquadrome was originally const ....
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