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SHRP 2022-12 - Provision of Design Team Services for the remediation of the Nás ....
Buyer : Donegal County Council
Provision of Design Team Services for the remediation of the Nás Mór Apartment Block C, Carnamuggagh, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal.
RFT 20/21 - Energy Retrofit Works, New Biomass Heat Centre and associated Sitewo ....
Buyer : Letterkenny Institute of Technology
Works are divided into four separate sections as follows;1. Rooftop Retrofit Works Deep retrofit of a 1,200sq.m rooftop extension to the main educational building on the Letterkenny Campus. The extension is a light weight steel structure constructed ....
RFT04/22DL - Supply Delivery and Installation of a CNC Milling Machine to Atlant ....
Buyer : Atlantic Technological University
Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Donegal Letterkenny invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators for the supply, delivery and installation of a 3-Axis CNC Milling Machine to its Mechanical Engineering Workshop. The requ ....
RFT 02/22 - Supply and Delivery of Communications & Demonstration Equipment to L ....
Buyer : Letterkenny Institute of Technology
Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators for the supply and delivery of Combined Spectrum/Network Analyser and Signal Generator, and Training Boards for use on the Communications m ....
Letterkenny 2040 CPO - Land Valuation Services
Buyer : Donegal County Council
Donegal County Council Regeneration and Development Section require professional services to provide values for the land and property in Letterkenny Town Centre. The successful applicant may be asked to provide all land and property services necessar ....
Provision of Services to undertake an Economic Appraisal on the development of a ....
Buyer : Donegal County Council
Carry out an Economic Appraisal to contain the following elements:•Economic Appraisal of the proposed establishment of a 4,000m2 building (the Beta building). This project will be managed by Donegal County Council. •Economic Appraisal of the prop ....
HSE 14102 - Invitation to Tender for the Provision of Infliximab Pharmaceutical ....
Buyer : Health Service Executive (HSE)
Letterkenny University Hospital is a 360 bedded Hospital, providing a wide range of acute hospital services, on an in-patient, day-case and out-patient basis.The recent annual usage of Infliximab 100mg vials is approximately 2,950 vials.It is intende ....
RFT 02/21 - RFT 02/21- Car Park Extension Work at LYIT Letterkenny Summer Works ....
Buyer : Letterkenny Institute of Technology
Letterkenny Institute of Technology invites tenders for the construction of a 126-space extension to LYIT Car Park No. 1 at its Port Road Campus, Letterkenny, Co Donegal. The car parking spaces will be constructed of permeable brick on a 350 mm storm ....
RFT 12/21 - RFT 12/21 – Single Party Framework Agreement for the Supply and De ....
Buyer : Letterkenny Institute of Technology
Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) seeks proposals from competent and reputable carbon dioxide monitor (CO2) and data monitoring suppliers and manufacturers to supply carbon dioxide monitors, base stations/controllers and cloud-based storage ....
RFT 05/21 - RFT 05/21 - Provision of Chaplaincy Services to Letterkenny Institut ....
Buyer : Letterkenny Institute of Technology
Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) invites tenders for the provision of a Chaplaincy Service at both their Letterkenny and Killybegs campuses. The overall role of the Chaplain is the provision of pastoral care and encompasses the facilitation ....
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