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Direct Award from KMCPRP-161 Framework for the Provision of Professional Consult ....
Buyer : kirklees council
Direct Award from KMCPRP-161 Framework for the Provision of Professional Consultancy Services, Lot 1 - Architectural and Multi-Disciplinary Services Provision of multi-disciplinary services for the Estates Building Fabric Repairs Scheme including Arc ....
COM1262-Client Advisory Services for the Palace of Westminster Restoration and R ....
Buyer : Parliament UK
Type of procedure: Competitive procedure with negotiation. COM1262/L1 Lot 1 - Appointment of an architect-led design team to provide client advisory design services for the Palace of Westminster Restoration and Renewal Programme. COM1262/L2 Lot 2 - A ....
COM1262-Client Advisory Services for the Palace of Westminster Restoration and R ....
Buyer : Parliament UK
Type of procedure: Competitive procedure with negotiation. COM1262/L1 Lot 1 - Appointment of an architect-led design team to provide client advisory design services for the Palace of Westminster Restoration and Renewal Programme. COM1262/L2 Lot 2 - A ....
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