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This contract is to further develop the MSSS TTS, incorporating further refinements to the simulation to create an operational training tool.
MSSS OBLM Chemical additives to Silo
Buyer : national nuclear laboratory limited
The Magnox Swarf Storage Silos (MSSS) were designed to store Magnox swarf residues underwater in a series of silo compartments. The liquor in MSSS is not routinely purged. Instead, additions have been made historically to offset losses due to evapora ....
Buyer : sellafiled ltd
MSSS SEP 2 Package Umbilical
MSSS New Groundwater Monitoring Wells
Buyer : i3 decommissioning partners
MSSS New Groundwater Monitoring Wells
CE Marking of MSSS West End Crane
Buyer : sellafield ltd
Provision of CE Marking for MSSS West End Crane
Ongoing Support to Assist Operation of MSSS Interim Storage Models
Buyer : Sellafield Ltd
A computer simulation has been developed that predicts the chemical and thermal waste behaviours of a skip of waste from the MSSS facility during interim storage. Several users within Sellafiled Ltd have been provided with an introduction to these co ....
Assessment of Gas Retention and Chronic Release from MSSS waste in 3m3 boxes
Buyer : Sellafield Ltd
The main purpose of this work is to get confidence in the current assumed average value for hydrogen hold up in the sludge of 15%. There is also a further need to understand the properties responsible for hydrogen hold up in different families of was ....
Buyer : Newcastle University
Supply msss furniture - Social Space Project
JH/PRBBMSSS/05/21 - PR B2B and B2C marketing support Services in Sweden
Buyer : Bord Bia (Irish Food Board)
PR B2B and B2C marketing support Services in Sweden
Buyer : National Nuclear Laboratory
Within this scope of work, there are three tasks which require a solution. These 3 tasks are:— waste levelling using the SEP machine,— waste levelling without using SEP machine,— oversized items management.Please see further information within ....
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