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PH smokefree R&M New Year marketing outdoor media and digital radio
New Year outdoor media and digital radio campaign to raise awareness of smoking cessation support
ITT Health Works for Cornwall Copywriting, Social Media and Digital Advertising ....
Buyer : cornwall development company ltd
Health Works for Cornwall (HWC) is a £9.75m European Social Fund (ESF) project for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (CIOS). Of the £9.75m, £7.5m comes from the ESF with the principal match funding coming from CC. CDC is leading the project in part ....
GB-London: Delivery of effective use of social media and digital communications ....
Buyer : improvement and development agency for local government
NOTE: This notice was updated on 14 October 2021 for the following reason: Amendment of estimated value of requirement from under £10k to £10 - £25k(The LGA wishes to commission one or more suppliers to provide a number of 'one off'/stand-alone de ....
Buyer : City College Plymouth
The College is looking to purchase various items of media and digital equipment for curriculum delivery to commence in September 2019.
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