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Support of existing NHSBT owned Extracorporeal Photopheresis (ECP) Systems
Buyer : NHS Blood and Transplant
The Therapeutic Apheresis Services (TAS) function operates within the Clinical Services directorate of NHSBT. Multi-disciplinary TAS teams operate from eight regional hub units and three 3 spoke sites that are based within Acute NHS Trusts across Eng ....
Support of existing NHSBT owned Extracorporial Photopheresis Systems
Buyer : NHS Blood and Transplant
The Therapeutic Apheresis Services (TAS) function operates within the Clinical Services directorate of NHSBT. Multi-disciplinary TAS teams operate from eight regional hub units and three 3 spoke sites that are based within Acute NHS Trusts across Eng ....
This Contract Award Notice is for the Supply of Maintenance, consumables and training in support of NHSBT's fleet of the existing TerumoBCT Spectra Optia machines.
This Contract Award Notice is for the Supply of Maintenance, consumables and training in support of NHSBT's fleet of the existing TerumoBCT Spectra Optia machines.
NHSBT Donor Centre and Office Furniture
Buyer : NHS Blood and Transplant
Furniture for NHSBT offices and donor centres.
Buyer : NHS Blood and Transplant
Contract for EU Notified Body, UK Approved Body, ISO13485 Certification Body Lots 1 to 3.
Anti-Virus and Malware Agent upgrade to NHSBT Server
Buyer : nhs blood and transplant
***THIS CONTRACT HAS BEEN AWARDED VIA A SBS FRAMEWORK C94381 - Anti-Virus and Malware Agent upgrade to NHSBT Server***
Conflict Prevention and Total Resolution Framework for NHSBT
Buyer : NHS Blood and Transplant
NHSBT is looking for an organisation to work with in partnership to implement a Conflict Prevention and Total Resolution Framework (Framework). The supplier must be recognised as a specialist in this field. The Framework must be established and have ....
Conflict Prevention and Total Resolution Framework for NHSBT
Buyer : nhs blood and transplant
NHSBT is looking for an organisation to work with in partnership to implement a Conflict Prevention and Total Resolution Framework (Framework). The supplier must be recognised as a specialist in this field. The Framework must be established and have ....
Lease of Cold Storage Containers - NHSBT Manchester
Buyer : nhs blood and transplant
Lease of Cold Storage Containers - NHSBT Manchester
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