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Requirement for Flexible Nasendoscope
Buyer : nhs wales shared services partnership-procurement services (hosted by velindre university nhs trust)
Speech and Language Therapy at Royal Gwent Hospital requires a flexible nasendoscope system.Please be aware as this is a capital bid, delivery and invoice must be before end of financial year (31st March)Requirements include:•Ensures data protectio ....
Requirement for Flexible Nasendoscope
Buyer : nhs wales shared services partnership-procurement services (hosted by velindre university nhs trust)
Speech and Language Therapy at Royal Gwent Hospital requires a flexible nasendoscope system.Please be aware as this is a capital bid, delivery and invoice must be before end of financial year (31st March)Requirements include:•Ensures data protectio ....
Buyer : nhs wales shared services partnership-procurement services (hosted by velindre university nhs trust)
Cardiff & Vale University Health Board wish to establish a contract for the provision of Nasendoscope SheathsNOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. Please note this is a separate website and if you are not al ....
Buyer : nhs wales shared services partnership-procurement services (hosted by velindre university nhs trust)
On behalf of Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP) wish to appoint a suitable contractor to supply Nasendoscope Sheaths used in Nasendoscopy procedures. The contract will be awarded for a One year per ....
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