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New Elective Centre Main Works
Buyer : homerton healthcare
The proposed works involved the first and second floor of Block 5 as follows: First floor •Existing footprint - creation of 2 new DSU Theatres, 1 new Endoscopy procedure room a 10 bed In-patient ward and a Urology department, with all necessary sup ....
Buyer : Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
At a very high level the proposal is to build two additional DSU theatres and one additional Endoscopy suite along with the increased staff facilities and storage areas for theatres.
Buyer : homerton healthcare
The proposed works involved the first and second floor of Block 5 as follows: First floor •Existing footprint - creation of 2 new DSU Theatres, 1 new Endoscopy procedure room a 10 bed In-patient ward and a Urology department, with all necessary sup ....
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