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The Ashton Town Centre Public Realm Project is split into 10 zones, significant progress has been made in the completion of 5 of these zones so far.This contract will enable Tameside MBC to undertake works and the construction of the wider schemes, t ....
21-124 Frederick Street Paving Materials
Buyer : rotherham mbc
Supply and delivery of concrete and natural stone paving for the Frederick Street Town Centre Regeneration Scheme. This is a Direct Award on 20-020 Public Realm Materials Framework
20-135 Bridgegate Public Realm Paving Materials
Buyer : Rotherham MBC
Rotherham MBC are looking to purchase a variety of paving materials to enable the re-development of Bridgegate, Rotherham Town Centre, S60 1PH.
Portrush Public Realm — Supply of Granite Paving Materials.
Buyer : Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
The Council invites tender submissions for the supply and delivery of granite paving materials for future use in the Portrush Public Realm Project. Materials to be provided under the Contract include granite road kerbs, granite flag paving and granit ....
Ashton Market redevelopment — paving materials.
Buyer : Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council
Supply of paving materials for use in the redevelopment of Ashton Market.
20-225 Paving Materials for Rotherham Town Centre - Frederick Street
Buyer : Rotherham MBC
Rotherham MBC are looking to purchase a variety of paving materials to enable the re-development of Frederick Street, Rotherham Town Centre, S60 1QP.3.2.1The Frederick Street redevelopment project is expected to commence on 08/01/2021 and be complete ....
19-170 Bridgegate Public Realm Paving Materials
Buyer : Rotherham MBC
RMBC require a supply of paving materials to support the re-development of Bridgegate, Rotherham Town Centre.
Supply of granite paving materials for Portrush Public Realm Project.
Buyer : Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
The Council invites tender submissions for the supply and delivery of granite paving materials for future use in the Portrush Public Realm Project. Materials to be provided under the Contract include granite road kerbs, granite flag paving and granit ....
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