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WAN Renewal St Helens Council - Via RM6116
RM6116 Telephony Lot 1a and 4a
Call-Off RM6116 Paging and Alerting
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
A Contract Award Notice to show the award of Call-Off Framework RM6116 Lot4e to PageOne Communications Limited.
LOT 1 Provision of SIP Communications Support RM6116 4A - AWARD
Buyer : In-Tend e-Tendering
Together Housing is seeking a suitably qualified and capable provider, for the provision of its Session Initiation Protocol ("SIP") Telecommunications support, capable of supporting/providing PCI DSS Type A compliance throughout the provisi ....
Cisco Duo subscription via CCS RM6116-Lot 2a
Replacement of our existing Wi-Fi system which is 'End of Life' via CC ....
The contract covers the installation and configuration of a completely new Wi-Fi system - including Switches, Access Points, along with new cabling and additional firewalls. Further to the hardware, a set of software products will also be installed t ....
Network Services RM6116 Lot 1A
Buyer : Link Group
Network Connectivity and Hardware
DA from the CCS Framework RM6116 for Dunedin House AV 3rd Floor Display Screens.
Buyer : stockton borough council
Direct Award from the Crown Commercial Services Framework RM6116 for Dunedin House AV 3rd Floor Display Screens.
DA from the CCS Framework RM6116 for Dunedin House to Darlington 10Gb Internet L ....
Buyer : stockton borough council
Direct Award from the Crown Commercial Services Framework RM6116 for Dunedin House to Darlington 10Gb Internet Links Links with DDos Protection
DA from the CCS Framework RM6116 for Municipal Buildings to Darlington 10GB Netw ....
Buyer : stockton borough council
Direct Award from the Crown Commercial Services Framework RM6116 for Municipal Buildings to Darlington 10GB Network Links
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