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RMBC - JP - Planned Replacement of Existing Pitched and Flat Roof Coverings - AW ....
Buyer : Runnymede Borough Council
Planned Replacement of existing pitched and flat roof coverings to Council housing properties at various locations within the Borough of Runnymede The estimated annual budget value for the works is £3m over the next 5 years.
RMBC - JP - Planned Replacement of Existing Pitched and Flat Roof Coverings
Buyer : Runnymede Borough Council
Planned Replacement of existing pitched and flat roof coverings to Council housing properties at various locations within the Borough of Runnymede.
RMBC-JP-Manufacture and Installation of Wayfinding Signs for Chertsey Town Centr ....
Buyer : Runnymede Borough Council
This tender is for the manufacture and installation of wayfinding signs in Chertsey Town Centre. Due to funding arrangements timing will be of the essence for this contract and the manufacture and installation of signage must be completed and paid fo ....
RMBC - JP General Banking Services
Buyer : Runnymede Borough Council
The council seeks one supplier to conduct its banking services which will include the following maintenance of bank accounts (3 bank accounts for the Council and 7 bank accounts for the wholly owned companies); cash and cheques handling, BACS, CHAPS, ....
RMBC - CD - For the Provision of Replacement Bridge Deck and Parapet Rev A
Buyer : Runnymede Borough Council
Quotations are invited from suitably qualified contractors for carrying out the replacement of the bridge deck and parapet on a timber footbridge within the Cabrera Trust open space in Virginia Water, Surrey.
RMBC - VG - Consultant Urban Designer
Buyer : Runnymede Borough Council
The LPA wishes to appoint a consultant with skills in master planning and urban design to advise planning officers on the preparation of an urban design strategy and illustrative masterplan for the Parkside regeneration project. (600 residential unit ....
RMBC - PW - Provision of Gypsy and Traveller Accomodation Assessment
Buyer : Runnymede Borough Council
A Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) which will form part of the evidence base underpinning the Council's review and update of its Runnymede 2030 Local Plan, and which will assess the accommodation needs of the Borough's gypsies, tra ....
RMBC JP Supply, Installation, Maintenance of Bus Shelters Including Advertising
Buyer : Runnymede Borough Council
Runnymede Borough Council (RBC) is seeking to engage a suitably qualified and experienced Service Provider for the provision, installation, and maintenance of bus shelters within the Borough of Runnymede for an initial period of 10 years, with 2 x op ....
RMBC - JP - Supply, Installation, Maintenance of Bus Shelters Including Advertis ....
Buyer : Runnymede Borough Council
Runnymede Borough Council (RBC) is seeking to engage a suitably qualified and experienced Service Provider for the provision, installation, and maintenance of bus shelters within the Borough of Runnymede for an initial period of 10 years, with 2 x op ....
RMBC - PT, The provision of Cyclical Redecoration Works
Buyer : Runnymede Borough Council
The provision of Cyclical Redecoration Works
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