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2856 - The supply, installation, testing, commissioning, and setting to work the ....
Buyer : Beaumont Hospital
The site in question is St. Joseph's Hospital, Raheny, which falls under the aegis of Beaumont Hospital ('the Contracting Authority'). The required works comprise the supply, installation, testing, commissioning, and setting to work the upgrade of th ....
Raheny ADC Upgrade - Upgrade and extension to the Raheny ADC Day Centre Building
We currently operate a day service from a building on Grange Park Grove in Raheny – known as Raheny ADC. This building has deteriorated significantly and requires a full refurbishment and upgrade. The current floor area is 468m2. We are also hoping ....
2915 - Multi-Disciplinary Design Team Services re: the Construction of a Diagnos ....
Buyer : Beaumont Hospital
A key target for the SláinteCare Action Plan 2019 is improved access to diagnostic services for GPs in a community setting. Against this backdrop, Beaumont Hospital intends to construct a standalone Diagnostic Centre on the campus of St. Joseph’s ....
Summer Works Scheme 2023 - Category 3: Electrical upgrade works @ Scoil Áine GN ....
Buyer : Scoil Aine GNS (Raheny)
The works comprise a full electrical upgrade under the Department of Education Summer Works Scheme. The proposed works include the following (please refer to drawings and specification documents for detail of scope for each school):• New sub distri ....
Proposed Development of Social Housing Units at Millwood Court, Woodbine Road, R ....
Buyer : FOLD Housing Association Ireland
The works consist of the development of 5 No. residential blocks (A to E) ranging from 2 to 4 storeys, comprising of 52 No. (1 Bed) Apartments and a community facility (c.64sqm) located in a stand-alone building. Access to blocks via 2 No. stair and ....
2022 Ardscoil La Salle - Quantity Surveying Services for Additional Accommodatio ....
Buyer : Ardscoil La Salle (Raheny)
Ardscoil La Salle is a post primary school under the patronage of the Le Cheile Schools Trust. Please see attached Project Brief & Schedule of Additional AccommodationIn summary, the project will comprise:Section A: 1 x Music Room 88.6 m2 Givin ....
2022 Ardscoil La Salle - Building Services (M&E) Engineering Services for Additi ....
Buyer : Ardscoil La Salle (Raheny)
Ardscoil La Salle is a post primary school under the patronage of the Le Cheile Schools Trust. Please see attached Project Brief & Schedule of Additional AccommodationIn summary, the project will comprise:Section A: 1 x Music Room 88.6 m2 Givin ....
2022 Ardscoil La Salle - Architectural Services for Additional Accommodation at ....
Buyer : Ardscoil La Salle (Raheny)
Ardscoil La Salle is a post primary school under the patronage of the Le Cheile Schools Trust. Please see attached Project Brief & Schedule of Additional AccommodationIn summary, the project will comprise:Section A: 1 x Music Room 88.6 m2 Givin ....
2022 Ardscoil La Salle - Civil Structural Engineering Services for Additional Ac ....
Buyer : Ardscoil La Salle (Raheny)
Ardscoil La Salle is a post primary school under the patronage of the Le Cheile Schools Trust. Please see attached Project Brief & Schedule of Additional AccommodationIn summary, the project will comprise:Section A: 1 x Music Room 88.6 m2 Givin ....
St. Francis Hospice Raheny - Fire Alarm Upgrade Works
Buyer : St. Francis Hospice Dublin
The upgrade and replacement of the existing fire alarm system, inclusive of panels and devices, while maintaining fire protection to the Facility for the duration of the project.
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