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The Provision of Fire Risk Assessment Reports
Buyer : North Northamptonshire Council
The provision of Fire Risk Assessment reports for various NNC properties.
Ofgem requires three different workstreams to be investigated further by a supplier: 1. Fraud Risk Assessment - The counter fraud team have undertaken several detailed Fraud Risk Assessments(FRA's) for Ofgem's schemes however need to work on the them ....
Humber NHS Foundation Trust is looking to enter into a contract with an LCA accredited Contractor for them to carry out a survey of all the sites listed within the Specification (Section 8) and produce the Trust’s Legionella Risk Assessment using t ....
PRF 1031 Fire safety works at various PCC properties, arising from remedial acti ....
Buyer : peterborough city council
Fire safety works at various PCC properties, arising from remedial actions on fire risk assessment reports (attached)
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