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PA invites organisations to participate in a 60-month DPS for the provision of Health and Social Work Services. The DPS will be accessible by all current and future Clients of PA. The DPS may be used by all NHS Trusts, Social Housing Providers, Local ....
Out-of-city residential contract - Health and social work services
Out-of-city residential contract
Health and social work services - 24 hours 1:1 support
Buyer : Darlington Borough Council
PB2024-01591 - 24 hour 1:1 support ID: 5017024
The Provision of Community Healthcare (CHC) and Social Work Services (SWS) to Br ....
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
BFCCB/1395 - Social Work Services
Buyer : ministry of defence
BFCCB/1395 - Lot 2 Provision of Social Work Services (SWS) to British Forces Cyprus - The provision of a fully integrated and managed SWS structured to replicate the statutory services normally provided in the UK by a local authority. Needs to be con ....
Provision of Community Healthcare (CHC) and Social Work Services (SWS) to Britis ....
Buyer : Ministry of Defence, C&C, C&C
The provision of (or access to) effective, safe, efficient CHC to the entitled and eligible population. Statutory responsibilities are to be discharged in full; other services must meet acceptable clinical standards when benchmarked against UK NHS an ....
Provision of Social Work Services for British Forces South Atlantic Islands
Buyer : Ministry of Defence, C&C, C&C
To maintain a personal, support and social work service as part of the provision of wider welfare care to deployed military personnel, contractors, UK Based Civil Servants and dependants.
Children and Families Social Work Services: Report Writing Training; Child Perma ....
Buyer : Leeds City Council
Delivery of an expert and specialised training on specific training for Social Workers within the Children and Families directorate. The training will include: •Child Permanence Report Writing •Effective Recording & Report Writing •Quality Assu ....
Children and Families Social Work Services Supervision Training, Action Learning ....
Buyer : Leeds City Council
Delivery of expert and specialised training for Social Workers within the Children and Families directorate. The training will include: •Supervision Training •Action Learning Sets Training •Section 47 Training
Prison Based Social Work Services.
Buyer : Scottish Prison Service
Social Work services are provided to persons in custody in Scottish prisons. The services provided are primarily to meet Scottish statutory requirements to support and case manage offenders during custody and, in specific cases, to monitor them follo ....
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