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Healthwatch Birmingham and Solihull
Buyer : Birmingham City Council
The Birmingham City Council and Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council wishes to establish a Contract for the provision Healthwatch Birmingham and Solihull. There is a requirement to improve health and social care services in Birmingham and Solihull. ....
Birmingham and Solihull Procurement Collaborative Asbestos Removal and Remedial ....
Buyer : University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
The Authorities within BSOL PC are looking for 3 (three) suppliers to complete Asbestos Removal and Remedial services.The Contractors are responsible for delivering services that support the Customer in the removal of ACMs from their owned or managed ....
Intention to award contract for pathway 2 care home beds
Solihull MBC is seeking to procure a Specialist Stop Smoking Service. This tender opportunity falls under the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 (PSR). The contract term is for 5 years from 1st September 2024, with the ....
WorkWell - NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB
Buyer : NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB
NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands CSU on behalf of NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB and WorkWell partners (Birmingham City Council and Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council) are looking to work with organisations based in the communities of East Bir ....
Market Engagement for a Recovery House Facility for Birmingham and Solihull Ment ....
Buyer : Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
1. University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) host the Birmingham and Solihull (BSOL) Procurement Collaborative, a shared procurement service acting on behalf of multiple Trusts within the Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Syste ....
SOL - Solihull Town Centre Low Carbon Energy Network
SOL — Solihull Drug and Alcohol Service 2019
Domiciliary care services - Ashcare Solihull Limited 2024-25
Buyer : NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB
Domiciliary care services
Provision of Senior Nurse Assessor (8a) for NHS Birmingham & Solihull ICB
Buyer : NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit
Provision of Senior Nurse Assessor (8a) for NHS Birmingham & Solihull ICB Procured using Crown Commercial Services RM6281 Clinical and Healthcare Staffing - Lot 1: Nursing and Midwifery
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