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Supported Employment Services for People with Learning Disabilities, Mental Heal ....
Buyer : dorset council
Dorset Council invites bids from suitably qualified and experienced providers to deliver a Supported Employment Service for people with learning disabilities, mental health needs and physical disabilities. Reference: DN548629. People accessing employ ....
Buyer : The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
Supported employment services.
Buyer : The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
The Royal Borough of Kingston (the Council) proposes to provide a supported employment service for clients known to the Council, aged between 18-64, including: Learning Disabilities (LD) Homelessness Drug and Alcohol misuse Mental Health LD Children ....
Buyer : Wandsworth Borough Council
Richmond and Wandsworth Councils are inviting tenders from suitably experienced and qualified organisations for the provision of a supported employment service for adults with a learning disability, autistic spectrum disorder, sensory and physical di ....
Supported Employment Services For Young People And Adults
Buyer : West Berkshire Council
The Council is tendering a contract for a Supported Employment Service For Young People And Adults. The service will be aimed at young people aged 16-25 Years with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or those Not in Education, Training or Emplo ....
Supported Employment Services For Young People Aged 16-25 and 25+
Buyer : west berkshire council
West Berkshire Council's Public Health, Adult Social Care and Education teams are carrying out an early market engagement exercise in relation to a streamlined Supported Employment Service. The primary aims of this service are: •To develop a suppor ....
Regional Supported Employment Services for people with learning disabilities
Buyer : Flintshire County Council
North Wales Together: seamless services for people with learning disabilities invites submissions to deliver a 5-stage supported employment / specialist job coaching services to individuals aged 14 plus with diagnosed learning disabilities. The suppo ....
Supported Employment Services for People with Learning Disabilities, Mental Heal ....
Buyer : Dorset Council
Dorset Council invites bids from suitably qualified and experienced providers to deliver a Supported Employment Service for people with learning disabilities, mental health needs and physical disabilities., People accessing employment is a key area h ....
Supported Employment Services for People with Learning Disabilities, Mental Heal ....
Buyer : Dorset Council
Dorset Council has ambitious plans to commission a service that supports people in a holistic and strengths-based way, creating a clear pathway to employment and meaningful work placements. Historically, people who use our services have remained NEET ....
Supported Employment Services for People with Learning Disabilities, Mental Heal ....
Buyer : Dorset Council
Dorset Council has ambitious plans to commission a service that supports people in a holistic and strengths-based way, creating a clear pathway to employment and meaningful work placements. Historically, people who use our services have remained NEET ....
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