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SEND Post 16 Supported Internships Framework
Buyer : London Borough of Hackney
The London Borough of Hackney is inviting tenders from experienced and qualified providers to procure a framework of providers to provide Special Educational Needs Supported Internship placements for young people in the borough. A key objective of th ....
The Government's 'Preparing for Adulthood' agenda places a statutory requirement upon Local Authorities to prepare young people for the world of work from Year 9 onwards. Supported Internships are a UK wide initiative that provide a ba ....
Approved Provider List for the Provision of Supported Internships
Buyer : The North Yorkshire Council
The Authority wishes to award an Approved Provider List for the Provision of Supported Internships (“the Contract”). A supported internship is one type of study programme specifically aimed at young people aged 16 to 24 who have an Education, Hea ....
Approved Provider List for the Provision of Supported Internships
Buyer : The North Yorkshire Council
The Authority wishes to award an Approved Provider List for the Provision of Supported Internships (“the Contract”). A supported internship is one type of study programme specifically aimed at young people aged 16 to 24 who have an Education, Hea ....
Approved Provider List for the Provision of High Needs Study Programme (HNSP) fo ....
Buyer : North Yorkshire County Council
Supported Internship Programme
Buyer : Worcestershire County Council
Under the SEND Code of Practice 0 - 25 years, the Council has a duty to liaise with parents of children who have an Education Health Care (EHC) plan and young people who have such a plan, who have a right to ask for a particular educational instituti ....
A direct award to comply with contractual obligations under the WYCA Supported Internship Pilot programme to support one adult learner in academic year 2023/24.
Contract for the Provision of Study Programmes and Supported Internships
Buyer : east sussex county council
This is a direct award of a contract for a new transitional programme of study that enables young people to discover their career path, whilst providing them with the necessary resilience, confidence, and abilities to gain and maintain appropriate pa ....
PQ0437 - Education provider for the supported Internship Programme - AWARD
Buyer : birmingham city council
Birmingham City Council's (BCC) Children's and Young People's Directorate, 14-19 Full Participation and Skills Team will be running a Supported Internship (SI) Programme which will start in September 2023. As part of the programme we require an Educa ....
Evaluation of the Supported Internship
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