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Buyer : Thinking Schools Academy Trust
The Thinking Schools Academy Trust (‘TSAT’ or ‘The Trust’) is inviting tenderers to bid for the provision of an integrated HR and Payroll system
EUMETSAT data licences
CWF Lot 2A - Scotch Jeans Slopes Stabilitsation (A684, near Sedbergh)
Buyer : cumbria county council
Scotch Jeans Slopes Stabilitsation (A684, near Sedbergh) Design Stage 1 - awarded only Stage 2 Build -
We are building a multi-use facility for industrial engagement, specifically for NanoSat testing. One of the identified requirements is to functionally (electronically) test devices on a SpaceWire interface.
Buyer : thinking schools academy trust
The Thinking Schools Academy Trust ('TSAT' or 'The Trust') is inviting tenderers to bid for the provision of an integrated HR and Payroll system
Buyer : Thinking Schools Academy Trust
The Thinking Schools Academy Trust (‘TSAT’ or ‘The Trust’) is inviting tenderers to bid for the provision of an integrated HR and Payroll system
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