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Provision of Support to CAwPACT
Buyer : Ministry of Defence, Air Commercial
Contracted support is required for the development and ‘on-boarding’ of technical content, the initiation of a governance framework, the development of training material, and the delivery of familiarisation training to support the launch of CAwPA ....
Basingstoke Canal Authority - BCA - Canal bank repair, towpath and concrete work ....
Hampshire County Council are overlaying existing sections of towpath, repairing banks and replacing life expired concrete at the western end of the Basingstoke Canal.
Basingstoke Canal Authority - Bank repair and towpath reclamation between Double ....
The purpose of the project is to reclaim a significant width of towpath which has eroded into the canal. Typically, the towpath will be widened by between 1 and 2 metres over a length of approximately 355m.
CKWPAA Kingsway Primary School to Gloucester
Buyer : gloucestershire county council
Home to School Transport.r Passenger Transport Service.
Window Replacement Viewpark Service
Buyer : Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Limited
The installation of 45 tilt and turn UPVC windows approx sizes are 1.5m x 900mm, 8 top hoppers approx sizes 1.3m x 300mm, 4 fixed glazed approx sizes 1m x 450mm. Sizes are for pricing only and must be confirmed by successful Contractor.
This project will see the widening and resurfacing of a stretch of Canal Towpath from ParkButts Ringway to just south of the Stourport Road, Kidderminster. The project will be delivered in five phases and will aim to improve the existing surface ther ....
This project will see the continuation of te Emergency Active Travel Fund works and will continue the widening and resurfacing of the canal towpath between Blackpole Road and Sixways Worcester.
Mexborough Towpath Resurfacing Scheme
Buyer : city of doncaster council
Resurfacing of existing canal towpath. The towpath will be widened to 2m where needed. The new construction will consist of timber edgings, sub-base, 40mm binder course, tar and chip finish. via Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the Provision of Hi ....
CO1695 ITT Offsite Project Integrator Bartlett House, Ludgershall (SWPA 48294)
Buyer : wiltshire council
CO1695 ITT Offsite Project Integrator Bartlett House, Ludgershall (SWPA 48294)
Supply of Additional WPA Biochrom Life Sciences spectrophotometers for Bio labs ....
Buyer : the university of birmingham
Supply of Additional WPA Biochrom Life Sciences spectrophotometers for Bio labs to University of Birmingham, A purchase from FRAM460/20 - ThermoFisher
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